A Router connects multiple computers to the Internet through a single connection. The Router manages the flow of data, delivering the right information to each computer on the network. Routers may also be used to connect multiple networks.

STEP CG’s Managed Router Service handles the provisioning, configuration, change management and monitoring of the hardware for K-12 schools.

Now you can Improve your wireless experience with:

  • User Identification
  • Snappy WiFi Logins
  • Client Visibility & Analytics
  • Advanced, Yet Simple Policy Access
  • Fewer SSIDs

Benefits of STEP CG Managed Router Service:

Improved performance. Our engineering expertise will ensure fewer issues while achieving faster resolution of problems.

Little to no upfront cost. With a managed Router, there are no capital costs and no upfront expenses for installation and configuration.

More IT resources. A managed network provider enables in-house your District’s IT professionals to focus on other priorities.